Best Dang Auction Company Evah!

You may not know this about Mike and I… but we’re an auction family! Well, him and his family are. I came along for the ride the moment he and I started dating.

Wards Auctions has been around for many, many, MANY years. Mikes Dad (sarcastic, funny, smartass. Just like him!) is the fabulous auctioneer and the leader of the pack, and the whole dang fam jam helps out. Mikes Mom, Jayne, is the “Auction Goddess”, and his siblings and I are there as well helping out when we are needed.

Mike and I are ALWAYS in the office during auction days. I’m the auction princess and he’s the one who makes everything work and he makes our lives much easier with his “can fix any problem and answer any question” ways. He’s Wards wonder child. He knows it. We all knows it.

So, if you’re an auction buff, know someone who is or even a virgin auction-going newbie (welcome to the dark side!), you should check us out! DO IT.

Don’t live in or near Edmonton? Excuses, excuses. Well, we’re online! So no excuses for you! 😉

Check out our website ( and also our new blog! (

Thank you, all! See you at the next auction!



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