Let’s Find A Cure! Rawrrr!


Most of you don’t know this, but my lovely boyfriend Mike was diagnosed several years ago with a Parkinsonism called Dopa Responsive Dystonia. It’s a movement disorder that involves involuntary muscle contractions, tremors, and other uncontrolled movements due to lack of dopamine in the brain. With proper medication, he can calm his symptoms and is more or less, a pretty normal guy. However, for the past year we have noticed a change in his symptoms which we, and doctor’s, fear to be Early Onset il_fullxfull.394122359_39v2Parkinsons Disease. 

He’s still the normal, sarcastic, talented guy I’ve always adored, but as this disease continues in him, symptoms will worsen with time and that’s why we need to find a cure for this, right meow!

I love this boy. He’s truly my everything, and I refuse to sit back and watch this diagnosis get the best of us. I won’t let that happen. He’s too smart, too talented and too young to be going through this and to think that who he is right now could slip away over time, breaks my heart into a million pieces. I can’t, I won’t, I SHANT let that happen! (Yep. I totes said shant. And totes.) 

Mike and I are taking part in the 2013 Parkinson Alberta Step ‘N’ Stride Walk, this September in Edmonton. Please go to our comic regarding it, read the FAQ and if you can, help us by sponsoring our walk. If you can’t help us in that way, please leave a comment or re-blog this to your own page and keep us in your thoughts and/or prayers.

Mike and I are a strong couple. We’ve been through so much together and I couldn’t ask for a better relationship. Please, help us find a cure.

Stick Dinosaurs Step ‘N’ Stride Comic



Stick Dinosaurs

Well, since I have a bunch new followers on both of my bloggy blogs, I wanted to let you all know about Stick Dinosaurs! Stick Dinosaurs is a webcomic that my boyfriend and I have created. Please take a look at the website and let me know what you think! Here’s a sample of one of our comics 😉





Vote For Us!

Ello, my lovelies!

I need to ask you all for a favor. For those of you that use Twitter, please Tweet the following:

I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! http://comicchameleon.com/ via @comicchameleon

Ok, now let me explain… Basically this is an an APP for the iphone (and soon Android) that streams webcomics.

The app was just released two days ago with 25 webcomics on it. Big ones. And soon they will make it so that anyone with a webcomic can have theirs in the program. But that part of the program is still in Beta so Mike and I want to be one of the first to be a part of it so that we will get thousands of viewers every day.

They are only choosing a handful of webcomics to add during the beta so they set up an algorithm that counts tweets as votes. The more people that say “I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! http://comicchameleon.com/ via @comicchameleon” , the more votes we’ll have.

So please, PLEASE help us out. I know it means alot to us (especially Mike) to be apart of this Beta for our webcomic, Stick Dinosaurs.

I want to do anything and everything I can to help make this happen. So please help us, and I’ll be your bestest friend forEVER! (That means for always!)

Thank you in advance.



This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 :)
This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 🙂