Somebody’s Princess


Me as a tiny little lamb.

I’m a romantical sort. One of those girls that used to marry her Barbies off to her brothers Ninja Turtles and hope that one day, she would find someone as slick as Raphael or as cool as Casey Jones. I had not only lines, but entire scenes from Pretty in Pink and Dirty Dancing memorized. I dreamed of one day, becoming Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride. I lived and breathed romance. Don’t get me wrong, I adored all things dinosaurs and Batman as well but since I was little, I dreamed of finding my prince.

Well almost two years ago, I found him.

I spend some of my posts talking about Mike and this is going to be another one! Yay for you. If you get sickly at all from reading this mush, don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

I’ve been visiting family most of this month, 4 hours away from Mike. With the exception of a few days over the course of a couple weekends, he and I have been apart the whole time. He’s coming to get me this weekend actually, so that is very exciting. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, and I think we needed this time apart to truly miss one another. I think it’s important in a relationship to have your alone time, because it makes it all the more special when you’re together.

Not many people can say that their partner would do absolutely anything and everything for them, no matter what. But I know that I can. Today he drew my portrait. To some, it’s not anything special. To me, it meant the world. I’m not sure how he’s going to feel about me posting his work, especially as he claims it’s unfinished, but I wanted to show off my sweethearts talent.




As you can see, he’s pretty dang wonderful.



Another thing he did for me, was tell me a story. You see, the last little while I’ve been running on 3 or 4 hours of sleep every night. I simply, can’t sleep. I think I have the insomnias. Anyways, so back in the day, Mike would make up little stories to make me laugh or help me sleep so tonight I called him and asked him to do that. And he did it, without any hesitation. It was 2am, he was tired, yet he still sat on the phone with me for over 30 minutes, making up THE most ridiculous story about a robot, a chimney salesman and an underwater house. It’s now almost 3:30am and although I am still awake, I am beyond grateful and appreciative that he tried. And he made a lame yet hilarious story just for me, so I am one happy girl.

Mike and I have had many, many ups and very few minor downs, but one thing remains the same. The past two years have been the most amazing ones I’ve ever experienced with another person. We are each others rock. Each others world. Each others happy place. I love him more and more with each passing day, and I really couldn’t imagine someone better suited for me. We’re both kids at heart, cuddle addicts and the most sarcastic couple you will ever have the pleasure (and pain) of knowing. And we love each other with everything that we have.

So when I think back on those times I dreamed of being someones princess, little did I know that I would be his.


I Love You Sweetheart. Much.






Vote For Us!

Ello, my lovelies!

I need to ask you all for a favor. For those of you that use Twitter, please Tweet the following:

I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! via @comicchameleon

Ok, now let me explain… Basically this is an an APP for the iphone (and soon Android) that streams webcomics.

The app was just released two days ago with 25 webcomics on it. Big ones. And soon they will make it so that anyone with a webcomic can have theirs in the program. But that part of the program is still in Beta so Mike and I want to be one of the first to be a part of it so that we will get thousands of viewers every day.

They are only choosing a handful of webcomics to add during the beta so they set up an algorithm that counts tweets as votes. The more people that say “I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! via @comicchameleon” , the more votes we’ll have.

So please, PLEASE help us out. I know it means alot to us (especially Mike) to be apart of this Beta for our webcomic, Stick Dinosaurs.

I want to do anything and everything I can to help make this happen. So please help us, and I’ll be your bestest friend forEVER! (That means for always!)

Thank you in advance.



This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 :)
This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 🙂

Easter Seals

Ok, this isn’t quite the Easter Seal you may have expected, but I just had to share my boyfriends recent digital art piece. He asked me to choose a photo for him to draw, and I am a sucker for animals with the dreamy eyes. They make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

He came up with this. One of the cutest darn things I’ve evah seen. That boy is so talented and I am so proud of him.

Good job, dollface 😉




Mechs Are Not Borning!

My wonderful boyfriend entered an art contest where he had to make a mech. He thinks it’s not his best work, as he finds mechs borning. Well, sweetie, I think YOU’RE boring! So there. (He reads all of my posts. So I know he has a smile on his face right now.)

Anyways, I think his mech is great and if he doesn’t win, well then I’ll be going on down there and making some noise! Or I’ll write an angry letter. Or I’ll do nothing. Depends on how feisty I’m feeling that day 😉

Wish him luck everyone!

Peace, love & sarcasm,


Mike's Hospital Mech

Mike’s Hospital Mech,